My first wedding

June 14, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

A friend of mine kind of tricked me into shooting her daughter's wedding. I had never shot a wedding and the couple was young and had limited resources. After an awkward phone conversation with the bride, we agreed that we were both willing to take a chance on each other. When I mentioned to my wife that I'd committed to shooting a wedding, her response was 'you did what!' and 'would you like an artistic director?'. I, of course, said yes. My wife is in marketing and has national catalog photography experience. I welcomed her as my 'second' shooter. 

I scoped out the location, a barn, and field, around the same time of day to get a sense of the lighting expectations. And, to explore photo opportunities. This visit, along with several conversations with the couple regarding the tone of images they desired, gave me a sense of what I needed to do. Having been at quite a few weddings and watching the photographer intently, along with exploring their results. I had an idea of where to be at what time to capture the various moments of the day. So, I laid out a timeline for the day and reviewed it with the couple to ensure we were on the same page with what could be accomplished with the given time. And, I could not have asked for a better bride! She was so totally on top of the logistics of the day and able to both coordinate others and enjoy the moment. She was incredible!

And, in the end, she was very happy with the results. As was I. I still much to learn, but all in all, it was a very good day.

Now, I'm scheduling my second wedding and looking forward to it!

Here are a few shots from my first wedding. 


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